Seminars and Conferences
Keynote Lectures
Hamburg Summer School in Law and Economics (Course on Cultural Economics)
Trento Summer Module on Economics and Institutions in Europe
Hamburg Summer School in Law and Economics, (Course on Cultural Economics)
Invited Seminars
Hamburg Lectures in Law and Economics,
DEM (UNI.LU) Seminar Series, Regensburg Seminar Series, Paris School of Economics*, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne*, IC Migrations*, Research Seminar Network - DG ECFIN, European Commission in Brussels, Autonoma Barcelona*
Institute of Historical Research-School of Advanced Studies University of London, YSI Economic History Graduate Webinar*, Hamburg Lectures in Law and Economics, The University of International Business and Economics-School of Insurance*, XIX World Economic History Congress scheduled for July 25th -29th*
UTH Zurich Seminar Series*, Swansea Seminar Series, Aix-Marseille School of Economics*
Webinar in Gender and Family Economics, Hamburg Lectures in Law and Economics
Hamburg, Law and Economic lecture (January 2019)
DGO conference in Berlin (November 2018)
Leicester University (June 2016)
Portsmouth University (June 2016)
SEMILUX, Luxembourg; CREA, University of Luxembourg
CEPS, Luxembourg; CREA, University of Luxembourg (2); IRES, Louvain la Neuve; Copenhagen Business School; University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics; University of Southern Denmark
University of Gothenburg; University of Copenhagen; University of Namur; University of Athens, Economics and Business
IRES, Louvain-la-Neuve ; School of Economics, Aix-Marseille; CREA, University of Luxembourg; University of Porto; Groningen University
Namur University; Brown Macro Seminar, Brown University
Athens University of Economics; University of Ioannina
Athens University of Economics
Presentations in Conferences
28th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance (ICMAIF), Μay 29 - 1 June, University of Crete, Greece*, 2nd DEM Workshop on Ageing, Culture and Comparative Development, May 31 – 1 June, University of Luxembourg*, ECWE 2024 - 1st Verona Early Career Workshop in Economics, 18-19 April, University of Verona*, IAAEU Workshop on Labour Economics, Trier University, April 11-13, 2024*, 16th Conference on the Political Economy of International Organization (PEIO) hosted by Stockholm University on June 13-15, 2024*, IOEA 2024- The Institutional and Organizational Economics Academy Spring School 2024 and organize a Workshop on "EU in the Wake of Crises: Understanding the Role of Exposure to Shocks in Shaping EU Perceptions and Voting for Populist Parties”, 20-24 May, Corsica*, 17th RGS Doctoral Conference in Economics, 27-28 February, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany*, 8th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance (AMEF), 29-30 April, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki*.
DEM workshop on Aging, Culture and Comparative Development, 2nd Workshop on Gender and Culture, 5th International Conference on European Studies*, ETH, TSE Summer School in Quantitative Social Sciences: Economics and Institutions*, AMEF 2023, 2023 Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics SIOE Conference, 5th International Conference on European Studies: Europe in Unchartered Territories*, 8th LU-HFC Workshop*, Annual Research Conference 2023*, Annual Research Conference 2023 – European Integration Institutions and Development-European Commission, 8th Workshop on Household Finance and Consumption (October, Banque Centrale du Luxembourg)
ASREC 2022), Christian Identity in National, Transnational and Local Space*, CSWEP Mentoring and Professional Development Resources Workshop, September 30, American Economic Association. The 30th Anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty - The Past, Present and Future of the European Integration, Maastricht University, Max Planck Summer School on the Political Economy of Conflict and Redistribution (PolEcCon) 2022*, 4th International Conference on European Studies at theUniversity of Milano-Bicocca in collaboration with CefES, EI, EUI, KOF, JRC and RCEA*, AASLE*(Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics, Tokio), OECD-CEPII 2022
7th RCEA Time Series Workshop*, ERSA Congress 2021, AFSE 2021, SIOE 2021, Cliometrics Conference 2021, UCLA Climate Adaptation Research Symposium*, CRETE 2021*, Shadow 2021, 14th Swedish Economic History Meeting, Cultural Economics and Finance Conference 2021, 15th CESifo Workshop on Political Economy, CEF21 Cultural Economics and Finance Conference organized by the University of Trier and University of Zurich
6th Annual Meeting of the Danish Society for Economic and Social History*, Vfs-JT 2020*
D4R Challenge Workshop*, DTU Minilab Migration Workshop*, Junior Economist Workshop on Migration Research*, NetMob 2019, Conference on Forced Displacement*, 1st CREA Workshop on Gender and Economics
CREA Workshop on Culture and Comparative Development
ASREC Europe (2), Association for the study of Religion, Economics and Culture, 8th Annual Conference on “Immigration in OECD Countries”*
Atelier Interdisciplinaire sur le Developpement en Afrique Subsaharienne*
1st CREA Workshop on Aging, Culture and Comparative Development, 2nd CREA Workshop on Aging, Culture and Comparative Development, OLG Days 2016
AMEF: University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki; European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics: University of Helsinki*; ASREC (Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture) conference; Barcelona GSE Summer Forum-The Economics of Socialization
Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET)*; FRESH Meeting, University of Southern Denmark; Deep Causes of Economic Development conference, Utrecht; European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics; Association for Public Economic Theory *; Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics, Athens University of Economics and Business; IMAEF, University of Ioannina; Warwick Summer Workshop in Economic Growth; Venice Summer Institute: Demographic Change and Long Run Development, Beta Workshop in Historical Economics; Conference on Taxation, Social Norms and Compliance
NBER Summer Institute; Deep Determinants of International Comparative Development, Brown University; CAGE\CEPR Conference: Long-Run Growth: Unified Growth Theory and Economic History, Warwick University; Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics, Athens University of Economics and Business*, European Economic Association; Econometric Society Summer Meeting
Royal Economic Society, Cambridge University; 8th Beta Conference in Historical Economics, University of Strasbourg; Conference on Intergenerational Transmission of Entrepreneurship, Occupations and Cultural Traits in the process of long-run economic growth, Parthenope University of Naples; Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics, Athens University of Economics and Business
Royal Economic Society Conference, Royal Holloway; Public Choice Society*, University of Rennes
Association for Southern European Economic, University of Alicante*; Taipei International Conference on Growth, Trade and Dynamics*
IMAEF, University of Ioannina; Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Ischia; Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics, Athens University of Economics and Business
Econometric Society, North America Summer Meeting: Carnegie Mellon University
Summer Schools and Trainings
Summer School on “Advanced Poverty Research: Poverty and Material Deprivation Dynamics”, LISER
Summer School on Panel Data Analysis with B. Baltagi, University of Macedonia
Econometrics Winter School, University of Porto
The 2nd Jerusalem Summer School in Economic Growth, Minerva Growth Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Esnie, European School on New Institutional Economics, Cargese Institute, Corsica
Barcelona LeeX Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, June 9-13, University Pompeu Fabra
*Presented by co-author.